Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Facebook Page :)

Hey guys! We finally got a Facebook page. Here is the link to it :)

Ame & Rain

Meet Rain

Hey Guys this is a vid to meet Rain and to get to know her better. If you have any questions just leave a comment below :)

Meet Ame

Hey Guys this is a vid to meet Ame and to get to know her better. If you have any questions just leave a comment below :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Hey guys,
Rain here and today Ame and Rain teach you how to make Fluffy pancakes.
Here are the ingredients you will need.

-1 1/2 cups flour
-3 tbsp. butter
-3 tbsp. baking powder
-1 egg
-1 tsp. salt
-1 tbsp. sugar
1 1/4 cup milk

Some helpful hints would be to sift the dry ingredients twice for fluffier pancakes and not to overbeat the egg. Also, add a splash of vanilla if you want extra flavor (:

What's your favorite breakfast food? Leave it in the comments below!

Thanks for watching, Happy cooking!

Monday, November 14, 2011


Hey guys its rain!
Sorry its been awhile since we've posted a video or blogged.
Filling out college applications have take over my life lately.
But today I found sometime to blog and we will be filming together hopefully soon!

Okay so I was on twitter this morning and I follow Alton Brown.
He posted a recipe for Buttermilk buicuits that looked delicious so I tried it out this morning.
Heres the Recipe:


Baking in the oven 
Here is how my buttermilk biscuits turned out!

final product = success (:
What do you like to put on your biscuits? Leave a comment and let us know below!
Thanks for reading, Happy Cooking (:

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Candy Corn

Hey Guys!
Today Ame & Rain teach you how to make homemade candy corn just in time for halloween (:
Give these treats out to trick or treaters or make them for your next halloween party!

-4 1/2 ounces powdered sugar
-1/2-ounce nonfat dry milk
-1/4 teaspoon salt
-3 1/2 ounces granulated sugar
-3 3/4 ounces corn syrup
-2 1/2 tablespoons water
-2 tablespoons unsalted butter
-2 to 3 drops yellow and orange food coloring
*make sure to measure out your ingredients by weight for the best tasting candy corn.

-Put your powdered sugar, dry milk powder, and salt in a food processor and pulse till fine (4 or 5 times) and set aside.
-In a medium saucepan put in the corn syrup, granulated sugar, and water. Turn the stove onto medium heat and let dissolve for 4 minutes.
-Add your butter to the boiling sugar mixture and keep on the heat until it reaches 230 F.
-Take off the heat and add in your powder mixture, stir until fully incorporated.
-Put the dough on a silicon mat or a piece of wax paper.
-Cut into 3 equal pieces.
-Color one piece yellow using your food colors and one piece orange. If you don't have orange mix yellow and red.
-Roll the dough into long logs and place them in a line.
-Press them together and cut them into triangles.
-Let cool/hard for at least 15 minutes.
-Enjoy (:

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Butter Chicken

Hey Guys!
Today Ame & Special Guest Zee teach you how to make Butter Chicken.

First off we would like to say thank you to Zee's mom for sharing this recipe with us (:

-A pinch of Sugar
-A Tbsp. Salt
-Chicken Tikka Masala
-Chili Pepper

-1 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream
-3 Cups Tomato Sauce
-2 lbs Diced Chicken
-2 Tbs. Oil


-Turn your oven onto the broil setting on high
-spread you chicken covered in the chicken Tikka Masala on a baking sheet that has a piece of aluminum foil
-put the chicken in the oven for 10 minutes and when its done set to the side
-take a saucepan and add the oil
-sweat the onions for 15-20 minutes
-after the onions are golden brown and soft add the tomato sauce, simmer for 10 minutes
-now add you spices to taste (ame can't handle spicy food so we didn't use much chili powder)
-now add your heavy cream and let simmer for another 5 minutes
-add your chicken and stir until fully incorporated
-enjoy (:

serve your butter chicken with rice or naan (:
Thanks for reading!
Happy Cooking (: 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Alton Brown

Hey Guys!
Guess who got to meet Alton Brown today????
Ame & I (:
First off I have to say he is so nice and he is hilarious.
We bought his new book Good Eats 3: The Later Years and you should totally check it out.
Heres some pictures from our day (:
Alton Brown wearing a bow tie <3

his new book

Ame & I getting our books signed
Keep an eye out for a new cooking tutorial using one of Altons recipes. (:
If you could meet any cook dead or alive who would it be? Leave your answer in the comments below!
Thanks for reading!
Happy Cooking!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Hey guys!
Today Rain teaches you how to make Okayu.
Okayu is the perfect thing to eat when you are feeling under the weather because it is soft, easily digestible, and warm.

-1/2 cup rice
-3 cups water
-1/2 teaspoon of salt

-sesame seeds

-place half a cup of rice and 3 cups of water in pot.
-set your stove to medium heat and let simmer for 30-40 minutes.
-add your own toppings & enjoy.

Here are some other things you can put in your Okayu. Experiment and see what you like best.
-egg (popular in japan)
-chicken stock
-spring onions

Whats your favorite thing to eat with Okayu? Leave a comment with you answer below (:
Happy Cooking!

Lunchtime with Ame & Rain! #1

Hey Guys!
Today Ame & Rain go to Buca di Beppo for lunch!
Sorry we couldn't make a cooking tutorial this week, but we will be posting one soon! Let us know if you like lunchtime with ame & rain, and if you do, let us know where we should eat next!

here are some extra pictures of our lunch (:

Ame in from of Buca

Ame & Statue
The walls were covered with photos

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Hey Guys!
Today Ame & Rain and Rains Mama teach you how to make gyoza!


-1/2 pound ground pork
-1/3 cup diced cabbage
-1 teaspoon sesame oil
-1 tbsp. diced ginger
-1 clove garlic
-1 tbsp. chopped spring onion
-1/4 cup diced onions
-3 tablespoons water
- 1 egg

-1 package gyoza wrappers
-4 tbsp. water
-2 tbsp. vegetable oil

Step One:
-Mix all the filling ingredients together in a bowl.

Step Two:
-Fill gyoza.
(Click on the link for step by step instructions for how to properly fold and fill gyoza wrappers)


Step Three:
-Heat two tablespoons of oil in a pan and cook the gyoza bottom side down until the bottom becomes golden brown.

Step Four:
-Add 4 tablespoons of water to the pan and cover with a lid. This will steam the gyoza and cook them all the way through. Leave the lid on for at least four minutes.

Step Five:
-Take the lid off and let cook for another couple of minutes.

Step Six:
-Plate the gyoza and enjoy (:

*for a special treat make ame and rains gyoza sauce (:

-2 tablespoons soy sauce
-1 tablespoon vinegar

Stir together and dip your freshly cooked gyoza into the sauce and enjoy (:
Happy Cooking!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Hey Guys, today Rain teaches you you how to make three different variations of Onigiri!
Onigiri (more commonly known as rice balls in america) is a ball of rice with salt and any topping you want. It is a popular snack to put in Japanese Bento's.


Visible Inside:

Mixed Rice:

I also found this super awesome picture diagram on how to properly shape ongiri into the traditional triangle shape.
But remember, rice balls can be any shape you want. Get creative and send us pictures or post a video response of the onigiri you make (:

Thanks for reading,
Happy Cooking!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

California Rolls

Hey guys!
Today Rain shows you how to make california rolls.
(& can I just say making videos on iMovie is way more fun then in windows movie maker, I <3 my new mac)
Anyways back to the cooking.
California rolls are an inside out sushi where the rice is on the outside.

3/4 cups Japanese rice (short-grain rice)
1 tbsp. vinegar
1 tsp. sugar
1/3 tsp. salt
1 avocado
4 imitation crab sticks
2 nori sheets
sesame seeds

Step 1: make the rice for the sushi

Step 2: make the sauce for the rice

Step 3: mix the rice with sauce

Step 4: put rice on nori sheet

Step 5: Sprinkle sesame seeds on rice

Step 6: Place rice side down on sushi roller

Step 7: Place crab sticks and avocado on nori side

Step 8: roll sushi

Step 9: with a wet knife cut sushi into pieces

Step 10: put on plate and enjoy with soy sauce, ginger or wasabi

Whats your favorite type of sushi? Let us know in the comments below. (:

Happy Cooking (:

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Hey Guys today Ame shows you how to make chinsuko!
Chinsuko is a traditional Okinawan cookie that is a popular souvenir. To see what they traditionally look like, click the link below :)

-6 tablespoons shortening
-1 cup cake flour
-3 tablespoons brown sugar
-1 tablespoon white sugar

-pre heat your oven to 320 F
-set up a double boiler and melt the shortening
-stir the sugar into the melted shortening until fully incorperated
-add the cake flour
-shape into logs. (or use cookie cutters for a cuter cookie)
-bake in the oven for 15 minutes

For an extra special treat, sprinkle powdered sugar on top of your freshly baked chinsuko.
Whats your favorite type of cookie? Let us know in the comments below (:
Happy Cooking!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ube Ice Cream

Hey Guys!
Today Ame teaches you how to make Ube (or Beni Imo) ice cream!
Its made from a purple yam in Okinawa and is super yummy.
Enjoy our video and thank you for watching!
Happy Cooking!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Cake Phone Case

Hey guys its Ame! So recently I got a new phone and case. I was bored so I decided to decorate my case and here is what it looks like. Enjoy :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Japanese Milk Bread

Hey Guys!
Rain here, & lately I have really been into baking bread.
So I've just wanted to show yawl what I've been doing and some of the methods I use to cook this bread.
This is Japanese Milk bread and It is super fluffy.
The reason this bread is so fluffy and light is because of an ingredient I use call Tangzhong.
All it is, is a mixture of bread flour and water that you heat up in a sauce pan and it looks like kind of like glue.
To see the recipe I used to make this bread click the link below.
The cooks name is Christine and she is absolutely amazing!
Thank you so much for reading!
Happy Cooking!


Simple Pudding

Hey guys, Rain here!
So today I was in the mood for some dessert, but all I had were some basic ingredients.
Luckily for me, this delicious pudding only uses simple ingredients that almost everyone has!
So this is what you will need.

Ingredients: (4 Servings)
-4 tbs sugar
-1 tbs water
-2 tbs hot water

-2 eggs
-250 ml milk
-5 tbs sugar

Other things you will need:
-4 pudding molds or ramekins
-Unsalted butter

First we preheat our oven to 300 F.
Butter the inside of your pudding mold so later on the pudding wont stick.

Next we are going to make the carmel sauce.
Take a sauce pan and put it over medium heat.
Add the sugar and 1 tbs of water.
Heat until it starts to bubble up and turn into a light caramel color.
Next add the hot water and mix by tilting the pan back and forth.
Then poor equal amounts into each of the pudding molds.

DO NOT OVERCOOK THE CARAMEL SAUCE. (I did this the first time and it turned out tasting extremely bitter -____-.)

Now we are going to make the custard pudding.
Crack the two eggs into a bowl and mix lightly, try not to make the eggs foam up.
Next in a sauce pan heat up the milk and stir in the sugar until completely disolved. Do not bring the milk to a boil just heat until the sugar disolves.
Next stir the milk into the eggs and then put through a strainer.
Pour the egg mixture into the molds on top of the caramel.
Now cover the molds with aluminum foil, this will make sure the top of the pudding will not dry out while baking.

To cook the pudding, place the molds in a baking pan filled halfway with hot water and place in the oven.
Set the timer for 1 hour 30 minutes.
The water will steam the pudding.

After the pudding is done cooking take it out of the oven and let cool.
Flip the pudding molds upside down and the pudding should come out easily becuase we buttered them earlier.
Enjoy. :)
Happy Cooking!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Berry Crisps

Hey guys!
Check out Ame & Rains new video on how to make Berry Crisps.
Now that its summer, berries are in season!
Berry Crisps are a simple and yummy dessert you can make.

-2 cups frozen berries
-1/4 cup sugar
-1/8 cup flour
-1 cup granola
-2 tablespoons butter
*for an extra special treat, place a scoop of your favorite icecream on top.

Thanks for Watching!
Happy Cooking. :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Little Tokyo

Hey guys Rain here!
I just got back from a vacation to California.
I had so much fun & wanted to share some of the food I ate there.

Today I am going to talk to you about the food I ate in Little Tokyo.
The bakery's were amazing. I ate so much. I had some amazing ramen in this cute traditional style ramen shop & mochi ice cream.
First of all if you've never been to Little Tokyo you have to go!
It is amazing!
It is filled with a ton of cute shops & great food.
There are paper lanterns & UFO catchers every where!
It made me miss Japan so much!
Here are some of the pictures I took while I was there.
They had cute nail polish & make up EVERYWHERE & they even had their own little version of Tokyo tower.

I saw these little dogs in a bakery & fell in LOVE. They were so cute & creative, hopefully I will figure out how to make them & make a tutorial for you guys. :)

The entire atmosphere of Little Tokyo was adorable & I cant wait to go back there someday with Ame.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

La Madeleine & Paciugo

Hey guys! Its Ame! So Rain and I went to La Madeleine for my birthday dinner. I got the Chicken Friand which is "Puff pastry filled with chicken, mushrooms and béchamel sauce, topped with mushroom sauce". Rain got a Quiche Florentine which is  "Eggs with spinach and Swiss fill a delicate pastry shell" and a small Caesar Salade. For those who have never been to La Madeleine, it has a french cottage interior and the restrooms teach you french. Along with the food that you get, there is a bread "buffet" so you can eat as much bread as you like.

Rain's Quiche Florentine

My Chicken Friand

After we went to La Madeleine, we went to Paciugo. Paciugo is a gelato place and everyday they change the flavors they have. So each time you go its a surprise :) The flavors I got were Baileys, Limoncello, and Mediterranean Sea Salt. Rain got Pistachio. Although the price might be high, it is very good and I would highly suggest going.

Rain and her gelato

My gelato
Here is the menu to La Madeleine: http://www.lamadeleine.com/menu/lunch
Here is the website to Paciugo: http://www.paciugo.com/

Monday, June 6, 2011


Hey Guys!
Rain here. Today I decided it would be fun to decorate some cupcakes.
This is what they look like.
I used butter cream icing & cake mix from the store.
Here's the recipe for medium consistency butter cream icing. :)

Ingredients (makes about 3 cups of icing):
-1/2 cup vegetable shortening
-1 stick of butter
-1 teaspoon clear vanilla extract
-4 cups sifted confectioners sugar
-2 tablespoons milk

Cream the shortening & butter together with an electric mixer.
Add the vanilla.
Gradually add the sugar, one cup at a time, beating well on medium speed.
When all sugar has been mixed in, the icing will appear dry.
Add the milk and beat at medium speed until light and fluffy.

For best results, keep icing bowl in refrigerator when not in use. Refrigerated in an airtight container, this icing can be stored 2 weeks. Rewhip before using.

Please leave any comments or critiques!
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Potato Salad

Its Ame. Today I'm making potato salad for the first time ever. So here's what you need:

(these are approximate sizes)
-3 cups of steamed potatoes
-1/2 cup of mayo or miracle whip
-3 Tbsp of mustard
-1/3 cup of SWEET relish
-1/2 tsp of onion powder
-pinch of salt
-pinch of pepper
-3 hard boiled eggs

1) Mix everything except the hard boiled eggs together.
2)Now mix in the hard boiled eggs
3) Enjoy

Friday, May 20, 2011

Cupcake Cake

Hey guys Rain here.
Ame & I and our moms have started to take a cake decorating class together.
We are now officially on Lesson # 2 of the Wilton Cake Decorating Method class.
We are taking it at our local Hobby Lobby.
For our second class we learned a new pipping technique and frosted a cupcake onto a cake.
Heres how me & my mom's turned out.
please leave any comments & critiques!
Thanks for reading. :)