Wednesday, August 31, 2011

California Rolls

Hey guys!
Today Rain shows you how to make california rolls.
(& can I just say making videos on iMovie is way more fun then in windows movie maker, I <3 my new mac)
Anyways back to the cooking.
California rolls are an inside out sushi where the rice is on the outside.

3/4 cups Japanese rice (short-grain rice)
1 tbsp. vinegar
1 tsp. sugar
1/3 tsp. salt
1 avocado
4 imitation crab sticks
2 nori sheets
sesame seeds

Step 1: make the rice for the sushi

Step 2: make the sauce for the rice

Step 3: mix the rice with sauce

Step 4: put rice on nori sheet

Step 5: Sprinkle sesame seeds on rice

Step 6: Place rice side down on sushi roller

Step 7: Place crab sticks and avocado on nori side

Step 8: roll sushi

Step 9: with a wet knife cut sushi into pieces

Step 10: put on plate and enjoy with soy sauce, ginger or wasabi

Whats your favorite type of sushi? Let us know in the comments below. (:

Happy Cooking (:

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Hey Guys today Ame shows you how to make chinsuko!
Chinsuko is a traditional Okinawan cookie that is a popular souvenir. To see what they traditionally look like, click the link below :)

-6 tablespoons shortening
-1 cup cake flour
-3 tablespoons brown sugar
-1 tablespoon white sugar

-pre heat your oven to 320 F
-set up a double boiler and melt the shortening
-stir the sugar into the melted shortening until fully incorperated
-add the cake flour
-shape into logs. (or use cookie cutters for a cuter cookie)
-bake in the oven for 15 minutes

For an extra special treat, sprinkle powdered sugar on top of your freshly baked chinsuko.
Whats your favorite type of cookie? Let us know in the comments below (:
Happy Cooking!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ube Ice Cream

Hey Guys!
Today Ame teaches you how to make Ube (or Beni Imo) ice cream!
Its made from a purple yam in Okinawa and is super yummy.
Enjoy our video and thank you for watching!
Happy Cooking!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Cake Phone Case

Hey guys its Ame! So recently I got a new phone and case. I was bored so I decided to decorate my case and here is what it looks like. Enjoy :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Japanese Milk Bread

Hey Guys!
Rain here, & lately I have really been into baking bread.
So I've just wanted to show yawl what I've been doing and some of the methods I use to cook this bread.
This is Japanese Milk bread and It is super fluffy.
The reason this bread is so fluffy and light is because of an ingredient I use call Tangzhong.
All it is, is a mixture of bread flour and water that you heat up in a sauce pan and it looks like kind of like glue.
To see the recipe I used to make this bread click the link below.
The cooks name is Christine and she is absolutely amazing!
Thank you so much for reading!
Happy Cooking!

Simple Pudding

Hey guys, Rain here!
So today I was in the mood for some dessert, but all I had were some basic ingredients.
Luckily for me, this delicious pudding only uses simple ingredients that almost everyone has!
So this is what you will need.

Ingredients: (4 Servings)
-4 tbs sugar
-1 tbs water
-2 tbs hot water

-2 eggs
-250 ml milk
-5 tbs sugar

Other things you will need:
-4 pudding molds or ramekins
-Unsalted butter

First we preheat our oven to 300 F.
Butter the inside of your pudding mold so later on the pudding wont stick.

Next we are going to make the carmel sauce.
Take a sauce pan and put it over medium heat.
Add the sugar and 1 tbs of water.
Heat until it starts to bubble up and turn into a light caramel color.
Next add the hot water and mix by tilting the pan back and forth.
Then poor equal amounts into each of the pudding molds.

DO NOT OVERCOOK THE CARAMEL SAUCE. (I did this the first time and it turned out tasting extremely bitter -____-.)

Now we are going to make the custard pudding.
Crack the two eggs into a bowl and mix lightly, try not to make the eggs foam up.
Next in a sauce pan heat up the milk and stir in the sugar until completely disolved. Do not bring the milk to a boil just heat until the sugar disolves.
Next stir the milk into the eggs and then put through a strainer.
Pour the egg mixture into the molds on top of the caramel.
Now cover the molds with aluminum foil, this will make sure the top of the pudding will not dry out while baking.

To cook the pudding, place the molds in a baking pan filled halfway with hot water and place in the oven.
Set the timer for 1 hour 30 minutes.
The water will steam the pudding.

After the pudding is done cooking take it out of the oven and let cool.
Flip the pudding molds upside down and the pudding should come out easily becuase we buttered them earlier.
Enjoy. :)
Happy Cooking!